I'm a simple man... one who appreciates the simple things in life. Many artists thrive with creativity in times of turmoil... I'm just the opposite... give me peace and harmony and the creative juices flow much easier... That is why I love working from life and enjoying nature. Like most artists... I feel the need to create... art is therapeutic for me. One of my favorite ways to paint is on location "en plein aire"... the French term literally translates "in open air". Here you will find a collection of those plein air paintings plus other paintings from life which are my exercises in the "Art of Seeing". I am completely self taught... except for "a little help from my friends"... my fellow artist friends that is.... who so generously share their thoughts and knowledge with me. We hang out much like the Impressionistic artists of old did in the cafes of Paris... only in a cyberspace kind of way. Every painting takes me one step closer to the level I desire to achieve. Thanks for joining me on this quest...
A special thanks to the patrons who have purchased my original oil paintings...