1st Maryland Regiment holding the line at the Battle of Guilford
G-G-G-G-Great Grandfather
Pvt Dudley Lee (1759~1815)
6th Maryland, Continental Line
1st Maryland, Continental Line
The American Revolution
On 6 June 1778 Dudley Lee passed in the vicinity of Taneytown, Frederick Co, MD, as a draft substitute in Colonel Otho Holland William's Regiment, the 6th Maryland. That unit served in New Jersey and New York as part of Washington's army. Dudley continued to re-enlist for the remainder of the war. In August of 1780 he mustered in the 1st Maryland Regiment. This was essentially the same regiment, having been reorganized. By this time, the 1st Maryland was in the Carolinas, under the command of General Nathanial Greene. The regiment took part in most of the major actions of Greene's Southern Campaign.
General George Washington relied heavily upon the Marylanders as one of the few reliable fighting units in the early
Continental Army. For this reason, Maryland is sometimes known as "The Old Line State."
G-G-G-Great Grandfather
Pvt Nicolas Lee (1803~1888)
Enlisted at the age of 59 and fought throughout the war. Was captured by Stonewall Jackson at Harper's Ferry and released on a prisoners exchange. Fought in several skirmishes and battles... the most famous being the Battle of Monocacy.

G-G-G-Great Grandfather
Pvt Lewis Everette Humphrey (1828~1890)
Company K, 61st North Carolina Infantry, CSA, War Between the States.
The Tarheels of the Old North State, including over 1300 men from Onslow County, have earned their page in history with their deeds of valor, contributions, and dedication to the Confederate Cause of 1861 - 1865. Among those 1300+ was private Lewis E. Humphrey, Company K, 61st North Carolina Infantry. Lewis enlisted in April 1862 at the age of 34 in the Confederate army. He left behind no slaves... only a wife and five small children to tend the family farm. New Bern (30 miles from his home) had just fallen to Union forces and rumors of an Conscription Act forced him to leave the world he knew and embark on a journey that would eventually bring him back home 2 1/2 years later via a discharge for disability after the Battle of the Crater (late 1864).
Defense of Charleston
Battery Wagner
Drewy's Bluff
Cold Harbor
The Crater
G-G-Great Grandfather
Capt Christopher Columbus (CC) Lee (1840~1932)Company A
, 7th West Virginia Infantry, 2nd Army Corps, The Gibraltar Brigade, Army of the Potomac, US Army Veteran Volunteers, War Between the States
Mustered in as a private and moved up the ranks mustering out as Captain of Company A. The 7th West Virginia suffered such heavy casualties that it was reduced from a regiment of ten companies to a battalion of four companies by wars end. CC was wounded on May 3, 1863 at the Battle of Chancellorsville. As Sargent... he was urging his men forward when a ball struck him in the face and exited through his open mouth... He wore a beard from that point on. He was furloughed home and missed the Battle of Gettysburg. CC was present for every major campaign with the exception of some of the Wilderness Campaign when he was hospitalized in Washington with malaria and almost died.
From Romney to Appomattox... engaged in every major battle that the Army of the Potomac participated in... detailed list

G-Great Grandfather
Raymond Lee Humphrey (1892~1970)
World War I
Activated: August 1917 (National Guard Division, the components of which were drawn from 26 States and the District of Columbia).
Overseas: November 1917.
Days of Combat: 264.
Casualties: Total 14,683 (KIA-2,058; WIA-12,625).
Commanders: Maj. Gen. W. A. Mann (5 September 1917), Maj. Gen.
Charles T. Menoher (19 December 1917), Brig. Gen.
Douglas MacArthur (10 November 1918), Maj. Gen. C. A. F. Flagler (22 November 1918).
Raymond was a proud veteran and always celebrated Armistice Day (as he always referred to it)while he was alive. Here he is pictured with a cake for such a celebration... notice the Rainbow Division rainbows. His regiment was the furthermost allied unit in German territory when the Armistice was called at 11:00 AM on the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918. The honor gave his regiment head of column as they headed toward Germany. While marching into Belgium... being the first friendly liberators the Belgians saw in their county in years... the 167th regimental band struck up the tune "Dixie" as they entered the first town.

Great Grandfather
Oscar Harvey Lee (1895~1973)
Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy, World War I
(Pictured on the far left)
Oscar Lee was the recipient of the Navy Cross of Valor for service in World War I. The medal was presented by Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy, for the president, on November 11, 1920, for services during the war as set forth in the following letter:
Lee, Oscar H.
Seaman Second Class, U.S. Navy
U.S.S. Wanderer
Date Of Action: April 17, 1918
The Navy Cross is awarded to Seaman Second Class Oscar H. Lee, U.S. Navy, for extraordinary heroism as a member of the crew of boats sent out from the U.S.S. Wanderer to the rescue of men from the SS Florence H, which vessel, loaded with explosives, was burned in the harbor of Quiberon on the night of the 17th of April, 1918. Almost immediately after the outbreak of fire the water in the vicinity of Florence H was covered with burning powder boxes, many of which exploded, scattering flames throughout the wreckage. The crews of the Wanderer's boats drove their boats into the burning mass without thought of danger to themselves and, assisted by boats from the other ships present in the harbor, succeeded in saving the lives of many men who, but for the help so promptly and heroically extended, must have perished in the wreckage. .
Oscar Lee's name is in the Hall of Fame in Washington for his naval activities, and his image is in bronze in the Maryland State Hall of Fame.
Great Grandfather.
Aleutian Islands, Attu & Kiska
Eastern Mandates, Kwajalein
Philippines, Leyte
Ryukyu Islands, Okinawa
Wounded in the Battle of Okinawa... see report below...
The attack against Okinawa was launched on Easter Sunday, April 1, 1945. Nobody suspected at the time that it was to be the last beachhead, indeed the last campaign, of World War II.
The 7th, assigned to XXIV Corps, pivoted at the east coast and started on the drive south. Soon it experienced the heaviest Japanese artillery fire of the Pacific war, absorbing more than 40,000 rounds of high explosive in two weeks. The 32d Infantry was on the Division's left on the Nakagusuku Wan (later Buckner Bay); the 184th Infantry under Colonel Roy A. Greene was on the right. Colonel Frank Pachler's 17th Infantry soldiers were in close support. Finn's 32nd Soldiers met a strong Japanese force on Skyline Ridge, which became the scene of bitter conflict. In assessing the Division's accomplishments in the Okinawa campaign, the staff reckoned that the Hourglass men had killed between 25,000 and 28,000 Japanese soldiers, and had taken 4,584 prisoners--more than half of them soldiers of the Japanese regular army, including more than a hundred officers up to the rank of major. The Division suffered 1,116 killed, and nearly 6,000 wounded, to make the total of its World War II casualties 8,135.
Cpl Bernard V. Rosage (1938~___)