Friday, August 22, 2008

Just received the Arte y Pico Blog Award

I am humbled and encouraged by this nomination and receiving the Arte y Pico Blog Award from one of my favorite artists and personal mentors, Mike Rooney. It means so much to be chosen by ones peers to have "what they think" to be an art blog worthy of recognition. Thanks Mike.

The info about the award and how to receive it are listed below.

My Top Five favorite art blogs, based on their inspiring work and their blogging styles are:

Larry Seiler
Dawn McKelvy
Marc R. Hanson
Hall Groat II
Lori McNamara

FYI...The Origin of The Arte y Pico Award and Rules if you choose to accept.

You might be interested in the origin of the "Arte y Pico Award"

The designer of the award puts it like this..."The Arte y Pico Award has arisen from the daily visits that I make to many blogs which nourish and enrich me with creativity. In them, I see dedication, creativity, care, comradeship, but mainly, ART, much art. I want to share this prize with all those bloggers that entertain and enrich me day to day. Doubtlessly, there are many and it will be hard to pick just a few."

The Rules:

1. You have to pick 5 blogs that you consider deserve this award through creativity, design, interesting material, and also contributes to the blogger community, no matter of language.

2. Each award should have the name of the author with a link to their blog.

3. Award winners have to post the award with the name and link to the blog of the person who gave them the award.

4. Show these rules and the paragraph (above) explaining the awards origination.

Saturday, August 09, 2008

"Enchanting Ireland" blog just started by Bernie...

Like wild geese we all have flown, to Columbia's rich shores of Ameriquay...

Those Emerald hues, they haunt us home, with a vow in our heart to return one day..."

... and we did... as a celebration of our 20th wedding anniversary and our family heritage. We hope you enjoy our experiences from our trip to Ireland, the land of "40 shades of green".

We recently started a new blog titled "Enchanting Ireland" as a way to organize and share our experiences and Bernie's paintings from our recent trip. Paintings for sale will still be listed here but the WIP paintings for the upcoming exhibit will be posted on the new blog.

Click here... "Enchanting Ireland"

Bernie and Tami

Saturday, August 02, 2008

"Galway Bay #1", Ireland

"Galway Bay #1, Ireland"... 6x8" Oil on panel, alla prima, 7-2008. Small study for my "Enchanting Ireland" series that will exhibit August 2009. PRIVATE COLLECTION, Ohio

Click on image to see a larger view...

This small painting is a study for larger works that will make up a solo show titled "Enchanting Ireland" that will exhibit in August 2009 at the Baysden Gallery. These small works allow me to experiment with composition, color harmony, etc before committing the work to a large canvas. They serve as thumbnail views and studies to get the most out of a larger work.

Galway Bay was a very special place on our recent trip to Ireland. This scene of the bay is viewed from the small village of Claddagh... a small fishing village known worldwide for the Claddagh ring. This spot was special for my wife and I because we exchanged Claddagh rings and renewed our wedding vows here in celebration of our 20th wedding anniversary... the reason for our special trip to Ireland.

Dan and Beth Hill, Dayton, Ohio