Friday, August 10, 2007

Pathway of Light

"Pathway of Light"... 7x5" Oil on panel, alla prima, 8-2007.
SOLD... Thanks Bob!

Click image for larger view...

There is something about pathways that evoke a feeling of peace and life's journey for me. I can't seem to walk one (my family and I walk many) without snapping a photo with a future painting in mind. The specular light crossing this path which seemed to lead into a tunnel of bowing trees caught my eye and my desire to capture it on canvas. Every time I walk along one... In my mind I sing Michael Card's song, "Joy in the Journey"...

"There is a joy in the journey...
There's a light we can love on the way...
There is a wonder and wildness to life....
And freedom for those who obey"

20 1799

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