Mitchell, Karen, Bernie (me), and Susan... members of the plein air group OOPS (Onslow Outdoor Painters Society) recently participated in the 3rd Annual Kinston Plein Air Paint Out.

I set up my easel on Queen Street and painted Christopher's Cafe across the street. I was drawn to the light hitting the various newspaper boxes on the corner.

Here I am set up on the corner of Queen and Gordon streets... I was drawn to the clock on the busy corner. I jammed to Paul Rogers on the IPOD as I painted this one allowing me to concentrate on the painting vs talking to everyone (I'm a social-lite) plus the music occupied my left brain allowing the creative right side to take over more... :) This painting won 2nd place in the competition and sold that day.

I painted two of the three days allotted for the event. Here I am set up behind the Kinston Arts Council Building looking toward Queen's Street Methodist Church. The ornate towers spoke to me but I wanted to capture a feeling of light vs painting all that detail. Still jamming to Paul Rogers during this one! This one sold right away too. :)

Here I set up to paint the exact replica of the Confederate Ram CSS Ram Neuse.
While painting the various scenes in Kinston I think the COOLEST building in town was the new Mother Earth Brewing building. The new brewery has a tap room and is building a GREAT reputation in Kinston and Eastern NC. Here's one I did of their cool logo on the side of the brewery... BTW.. their motto is "Love, Peace, and Beer" how cool is that! I painted the old timer in as an after thought to help the composition. This painting sold that first day too.