Enjoyed the beautiful weather this weekend plein air painting and cooking out! Saturday after work I met Tami and Olivia at Richard Ray Park... Tami was planning her daily run around Jacksonville Commons while Olivia led the way on her bike. This gave me about 45 minutes to turn out this small 6x8" painting. BTW... LOVE my new pochade box!

"The Park"... 6x8" acrylic on linen panel, en plein aire, by Bernie Rosage Jr. 10/9/2010.

Sunday was gorgeous and I spent the afternoon painting with my friends from OOPS... (Onslow Outdoor Painters Society). We painted at the Octagon House (1850) in Cedar Point.

My painting buddy, Olivia, at her easel. She and I opted for a marsh scene looking across the White Oak River.

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